Current Exhibition – continuing through June 22nd

Deborah DeWit: “The Hours of the Day” new paintings

Robin & John Gumaelius: ceramic / metal sculpture

Faryn Davis: resin paintings


images: Robin & John Gumaelius, “Like A Moving Tree” ceramic, metal, wood

Faryn Davis, “Migration” acrylic, ink, grass & resin on wood

Deborah DeWit, “Dawn” oil on wood

view current exhibit online

Deborah DeWit:

Robin & John Gumaelius:

Faryn Davis:

Upcoming Exhibition

Plein Air & More Weekend

an outdoor art event featuring artists working on location throughout Cannon Beach

June 26, 27, 28

participating gallery artists:

Dave & Boni Deal, Scott Johnson, Pamela Wachtler-Fermanis

Gretha Lindwood, Leigh Anne Boy, Beverly Drew Kindley

WhiteBird_pleinair WhiteBird_pleinair2

images: Scott Johnson, “Shore” watercolor / Dave Deal wheel throwing clay vessel in Cannon Beach

View Weekend Event Schedule:


Next Exhibition

July 18 – August 25

Tom Cramer: wood carvings

Randall Tipton: new paintings

Dave & Boni Deal: raku fired ceramics


image: Randall Tipton “Estuary Rainforest” oil on canvas, 36 x 36″


images: Tom Cramer “Wildflower” wood carving, paint, gold leaf, 16 x 16″

Dave & Boni Deal “Mountain & Moon” batik raku ceramic wall platter, 24 x 24″


We appreciate your interest in our gallery and hope to see you soon in Cannon Beach!

 White Bird Gallery

251 N. Hemlock, Cannon Beach, OR


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