Experience a limited size painting class with local painter Hazel Schlesinger.
BEGINNERS AND BEYOND PLEIN AIR. Paint with award wining local artist.
Students will leave with several small studies of the area around beautiful Cannon Beach, Oregon. Demonstration and individual attention.
Friday, June 21st 9:00AM to 4:00PM
Saturday, June 22nd 9:00AM to 3:00PM
Lunch 12:00 to 1:00.
Class size is limited to eight (8) students.
Fee: $225
Supply List:
Lightweight Portable Easel (French Easel, Pochade box) most plein air kits come with a palette
6 canvas panels 8×10, 9×12 and a panel box or flat box to transport wet canvas in your car
Brushes of various sizes #1 round, #2,#3,#4, #6,#8 filberts and/or flats
Palette knife for mixing and clean up
Small sketch book for thumbnail sketches, pencil
Camera to photo your landscape
Sunscreen, wide-brimmed hat,water,easel umbrella(optional)
Paper towels, plastic grocery bag for your used towels,
Gamasol for cleaning brushes
Bring 2 jars with covers…one for your clean solvent and one for your dirty solvent
Haze will provide: painting medium, view finder, 5×7 plein air frame, and one 5×7 canvas
Colors: (I will have plenty of extras on hand)
Titanium White
Alizarin Crimson
Quinacridone Red or Permanent Rose
Cadmium Red Light
Cadmium Orange
Cadmium Yellow
Indian Yellow
Thalo blue or Manganese or Cerulean Blue Hue
French Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue
Phthalo Green
Sap Green
Permanent Green Light
Yellow Ochre
First morning, Friday June 21, group meets at Northwest By Northwest Gallery 232 N Spruce, Cannon Beach, Oregon across from the City Park & Chamber. Look for the large red sphere sculpture in the garden by Ivan McLean. 503 436 0741
Hazel grew up in Canon Beach Oregon. She understands the color and vibrancy of one of the
“100 Most Beautiful Places on Earth” National Geographic .
Haze has won the “People’s Choice Award” for painting “En Plein Air” . Her work has been published in Southwest Art Magazine. Haze is she is known has her paintings appear in international commercials, movies and two TV series , “Leverage” & “Shrill” filmed in Portland. Haze also paints the vineyards of the NW & Italy. She has created wine labels as well.
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