Plein Air & More Arts Festival June 23, 24 & 25. Join NW By NW GALLERY celebrating their 30th year. Friday reception with the artists 4 to 8. LIVE MUSIC with Nathan Harner original acoustic guitar. SINEANN Winery with wine educator Patrick MCELLIGOTT. Jeff White oil painting “Into the Unknown” 60 x 72 . Jeff White has won the Plein Air Public Choice Vote and been published in SW Art Magazine.Jeff has been featured on Oregon Art Beat Public Television. Cristina Acosta painting “Grandmother with Coyote”. Memoir painting of acrylic, charcoal & pastel on board with organic resin. Author of the book “Paint Happy”. ColorRead More →

Hazel Schlesinger grew up in Cannon Beach and taught school here. She understands the unique light “luminosity” and rich colors of the Coast especially painting en Plein Air, outside in natural light. Hazel’s oil paintings can be seen in Films & TV all through out the world.  Meet her here at the gallery Saturday June 24th at 12:00. Plein Air & More Arts Festival . Joyce Lincoln NW By NW GALLERY director.Read More →

First Snow oil on canvas 36 x 48 Jeff WHite . Seen in June SW ART Magazine about Plein Air Arts Festival. Meet Jeff at NW By NW GALLERY opening reception Friday June 24th 5 to 8. Look for the sculpture Garden featuring Ivan McLean Contemporary Sculpture.Read More →

Northwest By Northwest Gallery celebrates their 30th anniversary at Spring Unveiling May 5, 6 and 7th with the unveiling of new oil paintings by Hazel Schlesinger of Cannon Beach and the wine country, Jeff White’s skyscapes and landscapes in oil, new photographs by Master of Fine Art color photography Christopher Burkett, contemporary sculpture by Ivan Mclean, equine sculptures by Tolley Marney and acrylic and charcoal paintings by memoirist painter and naturalist, Cristina Acosta.  Read More →

Imprint Gallery is the newest art gallery to join the cluster of businesses that makes Cannon Beach one of the top 100 Small Art Town in America. The gallery is set over two floors. The ground floor represents a diverse range of medias but has a strong focus on mixed media and ceramic sculpture. The second floor is dedicated to original printmaking, with a gallery and adjacent studio. In addition to gallery exhibits Imprint gallery also offers printmaking demonstrations and classes in its studio.      Read More →

  Georgia Gerber Fox shown in clay . It is not unusual for the sculptor to spend as much as two years just sculpting a work in clay . Then the numerous casting of a bronze sculpture begins.. as many as eighteen steps. Editions are limited to 15 with the sculptor keeping one for her estate . NEW WORK . Not titled yet. 15”H x 41”W x 16D Probably available in four months. Best ESTIMATED price is in the $4,800 rangeRead More →

Happy New Year “First to See” friends. I’m back in the studio painting and appreciate you allowing us to send you my latest work. Jeff 888-436-2606 Passing Squall A breaker, rolling into sunlight under a hole in the clouds, was the first thing that started me thinking about painting this oil. Like a spotlight on the stage, well placed sunlight in a painting illuminates the story an artist hopes to tell. Out on the horizon, in another patch of sunlight, sits the lighthouse on Tillamook Rock. Breakers and dune grass, lighthouse and sunlight, it can be that simple. Original Framed Oil 21” x 25”Read More →