"Sunset Shore" by Jeffrey Hull
“Sunset Shore” by Jeffrey Hull

I started this watercolor several months ago as a demonstration for the Spring Unveiling Arts Festival. While I don’t teach or offer workshops for artists I do answer questions and reveal techniques and secrets readily when I’m in my gallery. A frequently asked question is how do you get the appearance of sparkle in your watercolors? In this case I used Holbein Gold mixed in with other pigment because when applied very thinly it communicates “salty air” so appropriate for a painting of the setting sun along the pacific coast.
This painting sat partially completed in my studio where I would see if often as I waited for the right moment to finish it. Probably the most common question artists are asked is how long did it take you to paint that? In this case it literally took months.
Quiet peaceful sunsets always inspire me but capturing their brilliance and purity is challenging even after 40 years of painting watercolor.

Original Framed Watercolor 33 ½” x 41 ½” $3,500 – Image 23” x 31 ½” All Rights Reserved

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