We are well and hope you are too!

I’ve been painting during this unprecedented time because, what else am I going to do? Thanks for taking the time to check out my newest work. During a normal year we would be ramping up for Spring Unveiling at this point. This year’s event has been moved and if things go as planned will take place in late June, but who knows, right? The good news is that gives me more time to paint, but obviously a longer time without our normal end of winter income. So… I will not hold any work back and you will, as always be the first to see my newest paintings. Here are the first 2. Sorry for the wordiness.

Thank You So Much! Jeff

888-436-2606           www.hullgallery.com           503-436-2600

Blooming Again

While tidying up my studio I ran across this nearly completed watercolor. For some reason, most likely because I ran out of time with a show deadline looming, I set it aside. I smiled when I realized I didn’t remember which side was the bottom and which the top. I spun it all 4 directions and all worked, but this felt more right. In my backyard the cherry tree is starting to bloom again. How timely a discovery it was!
I’m regularly asked if I’ve studied Asian art or traveled to that part of the world. I’ve studied from afar but never been to Asia. Truthfully, in our increasingly smaller world the influences are so melded in my brain, I don’t know where they originally came from. With this composition, it could be as simple as it appeals to me and brings a smile to my face once completed.
Original Framed Watercolor 21” x 27” $1,850 – Image 13” x 19 ½” All Rights Reserved

Never Neverland

Since 1973 I’ve always painted on the same French watercolor paper made by Arches largely because I know what to expect and what it’s limits are. In this watercolor however, there are a bunch of “I don’t” and “I never”. Here’s the list-

Have no specific plan other than to begin with a wave form and “see what happens”.

Paint on much thicker Arches, 300# Rough paper. It’s about as thick as matboard (with a surface that looks like a new container of cottage cheese when you first open it)

Use no clips to hold it down.

Start with crusty dried pigments on a dirty palette. There’s just too many unknowns laying there that can ruin a painting.

Last but not least, use a new pigment I’ve not tested to see how it works with my known colors.

I think you get the picture, no pun intended.

The value in “allowing myself” this freedom is simply, I know discoveries are made when I’m out past the edges of my abilities and experiences. Often, good things happen when I just jump in and start painting.

One final never. My surfing days are limited at my “advanced age” so I wouldn’t scamper over those rocks, jump in and paddle out to ride waves like that, not anymore, never again. Thank God I can still paint them.

Regarding the framing and presentation of this watercolor. We “floated” the painting so all of the image and it’s edges show. I tried to replicate that as best I could in showing it on the black background. All framing is included in the price, but my crew agreed independently this was a nice option for a unique painting.

Original Framed Watercolor 29” x 37” (approximate) $3,850 – Image 22 ½” x 30” All Rights Reserved

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