In addition to festival events, participating Cannon Beach galleries will showcase the work of their artists with strong environmental connections during the weekend and several galleries will present exhibits, events or host special guest artists who will offer demonstrations and meet the public. Below is a gallery-by-gallery rundown of their events and activities. Contact each gallery for details and complete schedules.

Archimedes Gallery will be featuring all new artwork by Erik Abel. Bold colors, geometric patterns and botanical profiles capture the eye in his artwork. The ocean has always been his backyard playground and water and art are his inspiration. Erik will be at the gallery all day Saturday and he will bring a new release of limited-edition prints on wood, custom made solely for the festival. Beer and light bites will be served outside where social distancing is possible. Erik will also be doing a presentation Friday 2pm at the Community Hall discussing alternatives to traditionally toxic art supplies that are more earth and animal friendly. (139 W 2nd St #3) archimedesgallery.com

Bronze Coast Gallery will host featured artists Dan Chen and April Ottey. Both drawing inspiration from nature, Chen sculpts wild creatures of all kinds for casting in bronze and mixed media, while Ottey collects leaves, twigs and seed pods for casting in sterling silver and combines these with beach and river stones to create unique jewelry. Several pieces donated by the gallery’s artists will be raffled off to benefit the Wildlife Center of the North Coast. (224 N Hemlock St #2) bronzecoastgallery.com

Cannon Beach Gallery will present an exhibit of textile art featuring artists Kylas Sjogren, Sydney Dufka, Orquidia Violeta, Allyn Cantor, Julie Rochelle and Melissa Monroe. The gallery will host an artists’ reception for the show on Saturday, September 18 from 4:30-6:30pm. (1064 S Hemlock St/Midtown) cannonbeacharts.org

DragonFire Gallery will present a group show titled Re-Imagine, featuring works from 30 participating artists utilizing found objects, wood, encaustic, natural pigments, recycled paper, metal, and glass. The gallery will donate a portion of sales from the Re-Imagine show to the festival’s five non-profit beneficiaries. On Friday and Saturday, artist demonstrations include Kelly Howard who will blow glass outside the gallery using recycled glass to create wine glasses, wave sculptures and sea stars. Michael Orwick, Anton Pavlenko and Kim Schult will paint in the gallery. The gallery will raffle a pointillist style acrylic painting donated by local artist Greg Navratil with 100% of the proceeds going to the North Coast Land Conservancy in support of their acquisition of the 3500-acre Rainforest Reserve bordering Arch Cape that protects the Cannon Beach water supply headwaters and expands protected areas to span the Coast Mountain Range, Oswald West State Park and Falcon Cove Marine Reserve. (123 S. Hemlock St) dragonfiregallery.com

Icefire Glassworks will feature Kathleen Sheard’s conservation-themed glass art pieces and Sheard, who is active in protecting sea turtles, will speak at the festival’s Friday afternoon Arts & Conservation Presentations. Some of her latest works include framed fused glass studies using reclaimed/recycled materials for the mats and frames. Also featured will be works from glassblower Mark Gordon’s Ocean series evoking the colors and currents of water. The artists will meet the public from 10am-3pm Saturday during an outdoor event. There will be glass blowing demonstrations throughout the weekend. A fused glass piece by Kathleen Sheard will be raffled with all proceeds split among the festival’s five non-profit beneficiaries. (116 E Gower Ave/Midtown) icefireglassworks.com

Images of the West Gallery will be featuring the photography of renowned nature and landscape photographer Randall J Hodges. Hodges’ work focuses on the beauty of the planet and brings attention to our need to protect it. (224 N Hemlock St #1) randalljhodges.com

Jeffrey Hull Gallery will have Jeff in the gallery throughout the weekend working on a painting to be auctioned off at the culmination of the event. Proceeds from the auction will be donated to the North Oregon Coast environmental non-profit of the winner’s choice or may be split between multiple non-profits. The non-profit group Friends of Haystack Rock will be at the gallery on Saturday to provide information about their organization and answer questions. Jeffrey Hull is an icon of the Cannon Beach arts scene with nearly 50 years capturing the beauty and moods of the places where water joins land in both watercolor and oil paintings. (172 N Hemlock St) hullgallery.com

Northwest By Northwest Gallery will celebrate the wonder of Haystack Rock in art, including sculptor Georgia Gerber’s Tufted Puffins in bronze, impressionist oil paintings by Hazel Schlesinger and contemporary paintings by Laura O’Brien. Other work featured will include three large format photographic images captured within a few miles of Cannon Beach by renowned fine art landscape photographer Christopher Burkett, sculpture by Ivan McLean and artisan furniture from Cannon Beach Rocks. The gallery will feature live music with Bobcat Bob on guitar in the sculpture garden from 2-4pm Saturday. Painter Hazel Schlesinger will be in the gallery’s sculpture garden from 11am – 2pm Sunday. A portion of sales from the weekend will benefit Friends of Haystack Rock. Gallery visitors are invited to enter a free drawing for two books featuring the work of Christopher Burkett. (232 N Spruce St) nwbynwgallery.com

White Bird Gallery will feature the work of Dave & Boni Deal who create raku vessels and wall plaques embellished with themes of Northwest flora and fauna. The Deal’s ceramic works are created with no electricity, water from the creek, and a manually powered potter’s wheel. The Deals will fire a raku vessel on the beach at 7pm Saturday. The gallery will also feature a new series of octopus paintings by Christopher Mathie with proceeds of sales benefitting the Cape Falcon Marine Reserve; baskets by Debra Carnes made from rope found on the beach that are unwound and used to create one-of-a-kind hand-woven pieces; and a gallery exhibition featuring watermedia paintings by Randall David Tipton whose work stems from the belief in the restorative qualities of nature. (251 N Hemlock St) whitebirdgallery.com
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