Cottonwood & Light “Cottonwood & Light” copyright Christopher Burkett
Christopher Burkett by Sandy Smith (Burkett photo by Sandy Smith)

Oregon’s Native Son studied photography with Ansel Adams some thirty four years ago. Burkett photographs are still shown in Museum exhibitions with Adams work.
Of film & photographic paper Adams said “The negative is the score, the print is the performance”.

The subject matter is light itself. Working 14 hours a day in the darkroom , ten months a year the artist takes time off in the Fall & the Spring to pursue color and atmospheric light .

View OPB TV Oregon Art Beat on the idea to get a glimpse of the artist’s life which begins each day at 3:30 am.

Ilford has stopped making the photographic paper that Burkett has used for over thirty years.

Notice of price increase on January 1, 2014.

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