Plein air is a term derived from the French expression “en plein air,” meaning “in the open air,” and specifically refers to the act of painting outdoors. Cannon Beach’s popular “Plein Air and More” event has grown to three days this year and will include more than two dozen artists represented by Cannon Beach’s art galleries. They will be creating works of art on location throughout the town and on the beach. Many will work in the traditional method of plein air painting, while others will sculpt, and photograph in their own unique styles. Individual galleries will display the finished works and host receptions forRead More →

Imagine a place where the mists and storms of the coast swirl around a magical ‘mountain of a Haystack’ rising from the sea, and from every hearth and home emerges writers, singers, composers, painters and sculptors. That is what happens each November in Cannon Beach . These entire forces join together to transform your experience into a festival of creativity filled with music, theater, poetry and art. This is The Stormy Weather Arts Festival. Below is the line-up of artists at the thirteen Gallery Group member galleries. Please click here for the weekend schedule of events. Bronze Coast Gallery 224 N. Hemlock # 2, Tel:800-430-1055Read More →