Some special gallery anniversary celebrations are being held this month.
White Bird is celebrating its 40th summer this year! On August 6th they will be having an anniversary party at the gallery. Evelyn Georges will be there with her family to celebrate both the past and future of the gallery, including numerous artists! So stop in and join the celebration which will begin at 4pm.
The Cannon Beach Arts Association was begun by artists to create opportunities for artists. This 25th anniversary show is a celebration of the many talented individuals who have contributed to the success of the CBAA over the years including: Carol Riley, Barbara Grant, Barbara Temple-Ayres, Liza Jones, Paul Miller, Harry Greaver, Hanne Greaver, Allyn Cantor, George Vetter, Sally Lackaff, Steve McLeod, Andrea Mace, Jim Hannen, Elizabeth Pattison, Bonny Gorsuch, Grant Wood, Elizabeth Serreau, Marilyn Rooper and Shirley Gittelsohn. There will be an Artist Reception open to all on Saturday, August 6, 6-8 p.m. at Cannon Beach Gallery, 1064 S. Hemlock.
Other galleries are having some featuring shows and artists also both in July and August. The Bronze Coast Gallery will be showcasing new works from artists Matthew Palmer and Joshua Tobey beginning the end of July and into August.
Haystack Gallery is currently featuring the whimsical, colorful watercolor and oil paintings of Mike Smith and the original metal sculptures of Mike Orias. August will feature artists: John Ebner, Huibert VanDrimmelen and Michael David Sorensen, all with the theme of fun in the sun.
Rip Caswell of Troutdale has rejoined Primary Elements Gallery displaying his representational bronze sculpture. He is working on a new piece for Cannon Beach involving our unique sea birds: the puffins, mures, oyster catchers and sand pipers.
The arts certainly remain a vibrant part of the Cannon Beach landscape. So be sure to mark August 6th for both the anniversary celebrations at White Bird Gallery and the Cannon Beach Arts Association. Try to remember where you were 40 years ago…..well, maybe we shouldn’t go back that far. Come reminisce about the past and celebrate the future!
Article for ‘The Gazette” by Patty Coomes
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