Terra Nova will open at the Cannon Beach Gallery on Saturday, June 6 with an opening Artist’s Reception that evening from 5-7 pm. An all juried show, Northwest artists were encouraged to blur the lines of contemporary landscape for this exhibition, which will be curated by the Cannon Beach Gallery Committee. Terra Nova will be on display until Sunday, June 28. The Cannon Beach Gallery is open Wednesday – Monday from 10 am – 4 pm.
In addition, there will be a Nature Journaling Workshop on Sunday, June 7 at Circle Creek Habitat Reserve in Seaside led by artist Dorota Haber-Lehigh.. The workshop will be held from 10 am – 12:30 pm with a fee of $30. There is limited space, so please contact the CBAA in advance to reserve your space by phone 503-436-0744 or email cannonbeacharts@gmail.com.
More information about the workshop follows:
Explore the beauty and mystery of the coastal landscape through nature journaling. Learn how to capture your observations and impressions in word and art. Strengthen your connection with the natural world by careful observation and recording of things you see, feel, hear or taste; a great way to start or continue your nature journal. The workshop is ideal for artists, naturalists, hikers or birders. All levels welcomed. Age: children under 12 should be accompanied by an adult.
Our workshop will take place at Circle Creek Habitat Reserve, land conserved by The North Coast Land Conservancy, a private land trust operating on the North Coast of Oregon from Lincoln City to Astoria. Katie Voelke, Executive Director of NCLC, will provide an opening message about the land trust and the site we will be visiting today.
We will continue with a short discussion on why to use nature journaling and how to go about creating a nature journal. We will explore the habitat reserve and students will have time for hands on journaling. Participants will receive a copy Dorota’s of coloring/reading book: Native Berries of the Coastal Pacific Northwest for future reference.
Instructor: Dorota is an educator, artist and a forager. She will share her knowledge of nature journaling and plants.
Materials: Bring a sketchbook of your choice, pencil 2 B or 4 B, writing utensil (I suggest Pigma Micron black pen 005 or 01), other media of choice (color pencils or watercolors)
Things to Know: Bring water and snacks, and anything to keep you comfortable outdoors on the coast: sun hat, sunglasses, comfortable shoes and rain jacket. There are no restrooms available at Circle Creek. There will be light walking on uneven terrain, if you are unable to walk or would prefer to sit while sketching – bring your own light camping chair.
Funding Partner: Cannon Beach Tourism & Arts Fund
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